‘Adore Your Apartment’ Series: Create a Cool Art Wall for Under $75

I stumbled upon this book a few years ago at Midtown Global Market and immediately fell head over heals in love with the drawings of John Bauer. So fantastical, so mystical, lots of little blonde sprites, and many many trolls. … Continue reading

‘Adore Your Apartment’ Series: Layering

3d259d7e02e011e3b30422000aaa0585_7Hello, loves!♥ I wanted to give a little glimpse into how the living room is coming together!! My vision was such: a whimsical space that exuded a luxurious, boutique hotel vibe/energy. All well and good, but how does one bring a certain energy/vibe out of one’s headspace and into one’s living space? Answer: by doing what the experts call “layering.” Continue reading

The ‘Adore Your Apartment’ Series Begins!


I realize I haven’t posted for quite some time, fellow Quirkers, but lately all my free time has consisted of apartment searching and shopping for said apartment (the latter being the fun part hehe;P). Interior decorating has replaced fashion in the forefront of my mind, so it dawned on me that I should share this creative process on Quirk! Isn’t home decorating just an extension of our personal style after all??

First off, a few important insights. Continue reading